Dear Diary
Today is the first time that I have written to you in English.
I still am not certain how to express my feelings clearly to
you in a foreign language. I'm sure that the more I practice
the more confident I will become. Writing a diary in English sounds
Today is the first time that I have written to you in English.
I still am not certain how to express my feelings clearly to
you in a foreign language. I'm sure that the more I practice
the more confident I will become. Writing a diary in English sounds
like a cool thing, but I'm afraid that my English is still not fluent enough
to convey all of my thoughts. Please be patient with me!
Recently I’ve been thinking about some new ideas for my life; for
Recently I’ve been thinking about some new ideas for my life; for
example, next year I would like to sit for the General English Proficiency
Test (GEPT.) I hope that I can achieve a good pass mark. I will, therefore,
have to brush up on my listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
I chatted with my friend Michael last Thursday. He’s happy with my plan
I chatted with my friend Michael last Thursday. He’s happy with my plan
to sit for the GEPT. He gave me some useful tips to improve my language
skills, including writing a diary in English. I agreed to his suggestion, so
I have started to write one.
The second thing is that I'm planning to get a professional piano- teaching
The second thing is that I'm planning to get a professional piano- teaching
certificate next year. Playing the piano helps me to relax when I am
stressed out or upset. I like to play the piano very much, so would like
to become a piano teacher someday. This means that I will need to
improve my professional skills.
Next year sounds like a busy year. But I am really happy to plan these
Next year sounds like a busy year. But I am really happy to plan these
things. I want to have some positive goals in my life, including becoming
a better woman.